Te Ao Māori o Te Kura o Hāto Hōhepa


Māori Achieving Success as Māori

When considering valued outcomes for Māori students, we take into account the four broad outcomes outlined in Ka Hikitia (Ministry of Education, 2007):

Māori enjoying education success as Māori’ requires Māori to achieve both universal outcomes, and outcomes that are unique to each learner. The outcomes that all learners at Churton will experience are:

These key factors are seen as critical to enhancing and strengthening Māori engagement and communication:



School culture:


Community networks:


Ako is a dynamic form of learning where the educator and the student learn from each other in an interactive way. Ako is grounded in the principle of reciprocity and recognises that the student and whānau cannot be separated.

When ako is a key element of teaching and learning, educators’ practices are informed by the latest research and are both deliberate and reflective.

Identity, language and culture count

Students do better in education when, what and how they learn builds on what is familiar to them, and reflects and positively reinforces where they come from, what they value and what they already know. Māori students are more likely to achieve when they see themselves, their parents, whānau, hapū, iwi and community reflected in learning and teaching.