Pre-Enrolment Form update.pdf


Enrolments are accepted from Year 1 to Year 8 (5 – 13 years of age).

Students whose families have an established religious connection with the Catholic Character of the school, in other words, Catholic themselves, will be given a preferential place on the list of applicants for enrolment.  

All students being considered for enrolment at St Joseph’s School must see our Parish Priest who solely determines the eligibility for preference / non-preference of enrolment using nationally set criteria.

If you would like your child to be placed on the Non-Preference ( Non Catholic)  waiting list, please ring our School office. 

The Ministry of Education allows us to enrol up to  5% non preference students (non Catholic) at any one time. Unfortunately this equates to only 13 students.

At the present time our non-preference role is closed but this can change!

Enrolment Procedures