It is the duty of the school to report to the parents on their children’s progress and achievement in relation to the NZ Curriculum, on at least two occasions during the year.
At St Joseph's school, students are encouraged to talk to whānau about their learning goals in Reading, Writing and Maths and will regularly put posts on HERO that demonstrate their progress in relation to their learning goals.
The reporting timetable is as follows:
Parents of New Entrant children will be invited to an interview with the classroom teacher 6 weeks after starting school.
At Mid Year, whānau are be able to view a graph on HERO which indicates their child's progress and achievement in Reading , Wriitng and Maths. This is followed by a student led conference towards the end of Term 2. Whānau will also be able to view a graph at the end of the school year which indicates the child's progress and achievement in Reading Writing and Maths . This is accompanied by a general comment from the classroom teacher.
Your child will be sharing their learning goals that they are working on in class throughout the year. They will also be posting evidence of work that shows their progress against the goals throughout the term. We encourage you to take the time to look through these things with your child.
Parents are urged to contact the class teacher in the first instance or Principal should there be any areas of concern.
At the beginning of each year, parents and students will meet with teachers to discuss expectations for the coming year. This is a ten minute interview which you are able to book online or at the school office.