Home and School 

We have an active Home and School team. The Home and School Mission statement is " To maintain strong communication links between whānau, teachers , board, and the parish community for the utimate benefit of the children. "

Our Home and School actively fundraisers in order to buy  the "extra things" for our students. 

They are always keen for new members !

Kāhui Ako 

Our school is a member of the Hakatere Kāhui Ako and presently our principal Cath Blacklow is the Lead Principal. This means that Cath is generally out of the school on Tuesdays as part of this role. Paula Davies is the Acting Principal each Tuesday.

The Kāhui Ako supports schools with professional development for kaiako 

( teachers ) and works closely with 11 others schools and ECE in the Ashburton area to improve educational outcomes for all students.