Ashburton College is responsible for the Mid Canterbury School Bus service. Bus travel is available to students living the following distance from the school: 3.2km for a child up to 10 years of age and 4.8km for a child over 10 years.


If you wish to have your child travel to and from school on the bus, please notify the school office and

also inform the Bus Controller at Ashburton College on (ph 308 4193). You can register your child for

this travel on their website and find out which bus stop and bus route would be


Children traveling by school bus to and from school will line up inside our school grounds on Cameron Street. This bus travels to Ashburton College where the children then get on their home bus.

There will be a teacher on duty at all times and children will be marked off the roll. Please encourage children to inform the bus duty teacher if they are not traveling by bus on any particular day.